I can't believe the mission has come and gone. It seemed as if it would last forever at the beginning but then it once we all made the year mark the end snuck right up on us all. It was great to see him arrive home on the 25th of August and reacquaint ourselves again. Two years is a long time to catch up and we have been doing it every day since. Our family was so blessed to have a missionary out working to bring God's Children to the gospel of Jesus Christ and I can see how it blessed him too.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
¡¡LA ULTIMA SEMANA!! - August 19 2015
Well, This last week was great! we have been working non-stop. We have tons of thing to still do before i leave and few hours to do them in.
This last week i went to the temple with Pres. Cook and his Wife for the last time here in Chile. It was great to be there with all of the missionaries that i have served with and our great president and his wife. Also we had a devotional of goodbyes. It was great too. I got to see people that i havent seen in months and years!! literally, i saw someone from my first ward. And i left that ward 1 and 1/2 years ago. But it was great. But it is a bummer to see the mission come to an end but i know my next step in life is coming up. I just hope im prepared :/ Im exited and nervous but i know everything will be fine!
This saturday we have a baptism and they are super excited. Paulina is ready and her dad is excited to baptize her. I have seen this family chnage just over the last few months. Its amazing what the gospel can do to people.
Well, wish me luck and i will see you guys on Tuesday!!!
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
MIssionary Work Has Never Been Busier - Aug 12 2015
This last week has just been insane when it comes to teaching people. We are running everywhere trying to teach all of the people that want to meet with us. And we are seeing just tons of progress from the people we visit. IN fact we have a baptism planned for my last saturday here in Chile. She is amazing and so is her family. Her father is stoked to baptize his daughter and we are super happy for them.
Also i have a hectic schedule this coming week. With all of the appointments, baptisms, and this for the missionaries that go home. I'm going to be running all over Santiago. :) But hey, at least I'm busy!!! I will be ending my mission on a good note. Which is really good and nice.
I honestly dont know what else to tell you guys.......oh. On our way to the grocery store two guys passed us on the street running from the grocery store. They had just robbed some stuff and were running away :) Its a common thing here. In fact the security doesn't even do anything. Also the guys were faster then the security.....so that didnt help.
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Another Week Down! August 5th 2015
Dear Family,
Well, this last week was pretty good. It rained a little bit and we walked around looking people. Thats about all that happened. So i hope you all have a great week!! Chao!!!
Actually, this last week was a good week. We had some pretty bomb lessons and Paulina ( an investigator with a baptismal date) is super excited to get baptized and came to church. Her dad is Luis, we recently reactivated him and he is super excited to baptize her and her mom is being reactivated too now!!! Things are going great with that family. Then, Mario and Doris, a family of less actives we teach finally told us the real reason they dont go to church so now we can help them even more by addressing their real problem at the site. Its like a doctor. If you dont know where the cancer tumor is, you cant remove it. It would be just a shot in the dark knowing that its in the lung but now knowing exactly where. Thats whats so great about the gospel. It has the medicines to attack at the site and help to heal us.
Also we had divisions this week and we did early morning contacts. They were good too. I felt like our district really trusts us now.
Today we went to the center of Santiago again. We went with Danilo and Consuelo. Two members. We took some cool pics and got to see a military parade thing. It happens when they change guards at La Moneda. Its similar to the White House. And i ate some some bomb Peruvian food. It was really good. I want to visit Peru sometime soon. I think it would be great!!!
Well, I think that is all for this week so i will talk to you all later!
Elder Ashworth
P.S. I would like to go to Texas Roadhouse when i get home for lunch!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
An Interesting Trip.....
Querido Family!!!
So this last week was interesting....
First off, my comp had another foot problem and we had to stay in the house to help him feel better but that didnt really matter much. If its necessary, we have to do it. Then we had a great time at church and everything went well. But the big news is that we have to move apartments. We are going to floor 8 instead of living on floor 17. So we are in the moving process. We have stuff everywhere and in both houses.
Also, today we went on a tour of Santiago that we did for ourselves. We went and visited a few places. And there we met two gypsies. The one tried to rob Elder Almandoz and the other talked to me, my comp, and Elder orchard (The comp of Elder Almandoz) so that the other could rob him. But it didnt work. They walked away empty handed and not very happy :) They figured we were tourists and that they could scam us. But we know better!
This week we had some bomb lessons. First off was with a man named Oliver. Two members invited us over to teach him, Hna. Consuelo and Hno. Danilo. We taught about the families because he was passing for a hard time. You could feel the spirit and he liked the lesson. Also we had a lesson with Mario and Doris. It was amazing!! She asked how she can be more humble and control her tongue better. It was one of the biggest changes i have ever seen in them. Its true that the spirit makes miracles. Also there is just a different feel in their house now. Lastly we went to Luis's house for his birthday. There his primo talked to us. My comp also exploded because he was kind of talking trash on the states. I just think its kinda funny to see their reactions. But his prima was very receptive. she listened to us and asked a ton about what we do here as missionaries. We then shared and left her with a few things to read and watch. it was really cool.
Then i want to tell you guys about a super member here. He is a return missionary and is married but the other day he helped us in a lesson and afterward he went home. We then went to another lesson and her son wasnt there so we called him back up and he came to our rescue in 5 minutes. He is awesome and is always willing to help us. Let me tell you, the missionaries are always looking for help!!
Well, thats all i have for this week have a great one!!!
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Great Zone Conference - July 22 2015
Dear Family,
I just wanted you guys to know that my email may be short because i dont have much time and i dont really know what to write at this moment. So it might just be full of gibberish nuttin'! But hey, at least its sumfin.
This last week we had an amazing Zone Conference. They talked about how we can better our desire and effort as missionaries. It really helped a lot because they gave a few points and the one i liked best was that we just a self solution to our problem of little desire or little effort. It is a personal thing. And once we find the answer we just have o do it. That is something i think we can use for life. Its very important to fix things between us and God. If we do it alone with his help it strengthens our bond with him and we come out stronger.
Also Brother Luis got reactivated this last week. He is a great guy and will help this ward out a ton. We also tried to set a baptismal date with his daughter for the 22nd of august but she said she needed more time so we will see what happens. But we are hopeful.
AS for my gnarly head cold it is finally going away. But i feel like its harder to get rid of then cancer! But hey as long as i get better I'm OK!
Well, i think that is all that i have for this week. I figure you guys will get my letter in a few days and i hope you all enjoy it. Don't forget that i love you guys!!!
Elder Ashworth
Thursday, July 16, 2015
A wonderful Week!!! - July 15 2015
Well, this week was honestly the best week i have ever had in this sector. We taught a lot and found lots of people to teach that are progressing. The only bummer thing is that now i have a gnarly head cold and i feel like it might just burst!! That will be one for the record books. I can see it now, " Missionary's head burst due to a gnarly head cold!" I think i might even win a prize or something. But i really dont have much to talk about this week. Except that we saw a sword fight, like Sparta or 300, in the street and a husky humped my comp and then chased all around the street. That was funny.
As for today we went to the National Museum of Natural History. It was cool but the best part is that it was in the middle of a huge park with a lake and it was free!!! Everything is better when its free. Well, i guess thats all i have for this week. Sorry its so short but i did put a letter in the mail today so you guys should get it in 9 days and i say a little bit more in the letter. It talks about Elder Packer and his funeral.
Well i hope you all have a great week and enjoy the nice weather because it rained for 2 days here and everything was flooded and now its just colder then cold. Its a good thing i have a big coat!!
Have a great one!! Love you all!!
Elder AShworth
Crazy, i mean CRAZY week!! - July 8 2015
Dear Family.........
I honestly dont know how to start out this email. There is alot of stuff i want to write about so buckle up and hold on for the ride. Because its gonna be a bumpy one!! Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, and in case of emergency the exit is to your left. But always make sure you have your exit buddy!! Let the craziness BEGIN!!
So to start out i couldnt remember if i told you guys last week that we ate lunch with Carlos, the recent convert of Elder Thompson last wednesday and it was fun to get to know him. He is a cool guy and went through a really big transformation to become a member of the true church of Christ. Then we had a lesson with Eugenio. He is a man who has visited with just about every religion there is. So he knows the Bible and has his own mixed in there. But we taught him about the Apostasy and he understood perfectly and even agreed with us. It was amazing! And then when we went back yesterday and taught him the rest of the Restoration he accepted it and understood what we were telling him. He told us he would pray and read because he is looking for the true church just like Joseph Smith was. It was amazing. Especially since we almost stopped passing by because we couldnt find him. I guess every person has his or her time.
Then on Saturday Chile played in the Final Game for the Copa America or American Cup. We were allowed to watch it and it was intense. They played the whole 90minutes without scoring one goal. So then they had two sets of 15 minute overtimes. And by the end, neither one had scored yet. So they finished off with penalty kicks. Each team had five chances. Chile got 4 and Argentina only got one. So Chile won as CHAMPS for the first time in history on the Fourth of July!!!!!! We got to see fireworks and enjoy the celebration up in our 17th floor apartment eating empanadas and making noise with all of our Chilean brothers!! It was actually the best 4th of July ive ever had!! Chileans are crazy for soccer games. I have some pretty funny videos of the members when Chile won. With people jumping and screaming and almost crying. But hey, thats the game. Blood, Sweat, and tears!!
Then on Sunday they changed the hour we start. So now it starts at 10 in the morning with sacrament meeting. And it was a miracle. 3 Less actives showed up. Mario, Doris, and Hon Tapia Espinoza. They are amazing people. And to see them in the church was just incredible!! Let em tell ya, there is nothing like the feeling one gets to see children of God come back to the redil.
Some more news is that on Monday Chile passed a law saying that it is legal to grow up to six pots of marijuana on your property. So now everybody can have it!!! Then we walked in the street with a man that is deaf and mute. We couldnt really communicate with him. And to make matters worse he was drunk so he would pay attention. But we wanted us smoke and drink with him. He actually was trying to go and by cigarettes and beer to drink. But luckily we got away. Then we had a member accompany us to 2 appointments and we got 8 new investigators from one of the families. It was amazing and another miracle to put in the journal. In fact the father was raised as Jehovah's Witness but is very interested in our message of a prophet and the restoration. It is super cool!
Then on tuesday we got word that we are no longer allowed to use bags. So now we walk around with our scriptures in our hands. And we had a district breakfast too. WE ate breakfast burritos. It was really good. Then i got to teach a little bit about urgency in our Zone meeting. And i told the story of the Starfish. Its about how a young boy was walking on the beach throwing the starfish back out to sea after the tide went out. And as he was doing this and older gentleman came up to him and asked "What are you doing?" the boy said, "Tossing the starfish out to sea." The old man asked "Why?"
And the boy answered, "Because if i don't they will die." The old man then looked at him and said, "But my boy, the beach is very long and you have a lot more to go before sunset. You cant do it all. So what does it matter?" The boy stopped, crouched down and picked up a starfish and tossed it out into the waves. He then looked at the man and said, "Well, it mattered to that one."
And so we see that we have to constantly work because there are many people that need to be cast out to sea or find the gospel and those that we help it might not matter to any one else but them. But thats ok because that is our purpose here on the mission. To save souls and bring them back to their Heavenly Father.
Then to end it, i cant remember if i ever told you guys how Evangelists pray. Well during the prayer they start to chant and talk saying things like: Lord, bless us Lord, Blessed Lord, I love you Lord. It is very hard to stay focused but a funny experience that first time it happens.
Then today we went to a museum of a poet. His name Pablo Neruda. It was cool. It was an old house of his and i learned alot. Also took lots of pics. But those will be seen at another time. Well thats all that i have for this week. Hope you all have a great one too!!
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
Friday, July 3, 2015
¡¡¡¡¡JULIO!!!!! - July 1 2015
Wow, how time flies. We are once again in the cold weather months will ok days and cold nights. But hey, thats winter for ya. But at least its the 4th of July this weekend and we will most likely be spending it in the house because Chile is playing in the FINALS!!!!!! They have made it to the finals of the Copa America or American Cup. They play against Argentina and we will see what happens. If they win there will be celebrations and fireworks. If they lose i heard its forecast to rain, because they will all be crying. But i guess only time will tell ;)
This week we were walking down the street and we passed a man with a hook for a hand. That was interesting. Also we found some really cool new people to teach. We got two from a reference. Their names are Jose and Gloria. The other is from an old investigator thats not progressing and he is her son that just came to live with her. His name is Carlos. So we will now see what happens with them. They all want to go to church so we have high hopes.
Also we had the Fireside for the Birthday of the Mission Chile Santiago Sur!!! Its now 2 years old!! Its amazing. The devotional was good. There were testimonies from converts and from returned missionaries that served here years and years ago. And then the normally amazing messages from President Cook and his wife. He talked about our Kirtlands and our Nauvoos. And how we have to remember our Kirtlands (or good experiences) during our Nauvoos ( or bad experiences or times) to help us along. Because the church had a great experience in Kirtland and not so great a time in Nauvoo. It was good talk.
Also this last week Elder Thompson and i had a day that was just very depressing for us. Everything we had fell and nobody wanted to talk to us. Everybody rejected us and we ended up walking all day. And i believe some other things happened but i really dont remember. In fact a Christian lady gave us cookies, and Elder Thompson said that was Gods way of telling us "Enjoy it now, because you guys have a ruff day ahead of you." Anyways, by the time we got to the house we were just tired and done with the cold dreary night. But as i was sitting in the house i happened to open my Book of Mormon and it opened to Alma 8. In the exact same spot where Alma felt the same way. he was depressed and felt like it was worthless because the people rejected him and chased him out of the city. So he prayed and expressed his feeling to the Lord. Afterward he received a vision and returned and had success with Amulek. Well, that night i prayed long and hard just talking with God and expressing my feelings and the trials we were passing. And no joke, the next day was our best yet together. And we have started to see more progress here. Its amazing what the Lord will do for us, if we continue faithfully and really communicate with him the desires of our hearts. I testify that miracles exist. We found 2 new people the next day and had some amazing lessons that helped people to understand to Gospel. And i know that God answers prays.
Then to finish it up. On saturday there was a baptism in the ward from the sister missionaries and tehn a ward activity. It was a talent show and we participated. It was a blast. We danced as missionaries and sang karaoke to Ghostbusters just to help the members enjoy themselves.
Well, i hope you all have a great week and i love you all,
Elder Ashworth
TWO MONTH MARK - June 24th 2015
Wow! i dont know about you guys but the sky here is super smoggy. They just told us we are in an ambiental alert. It means that there is so much smog it can be bad. And because of that we are not allowed to do exercises outside of the house this week. BUMMER!!!
But oh well. The temps are dropping and its getting cold. Everyday i can see my breath. But that doesnt keep the Chileans from celebrating the victories they've had in the Copa America!! We are playing again tonight and we are going to watch it. We got permission and we are going to watch them play Uruguay. It will be fun. But anyways. This last week was normal. Not much happened really.
I did get sick on Sunday and Elder Orchard and I, he is from Ririe, stayed in the house. I am now once again down to 207 . But know things are back to normal.
Also yesterday a brother told us some funny jokes. They had to do with the twelve apostles. But here is one. What was adams last name...........perez. because when they were cast out god said, pereceran but the joke is its Perez seràn. which means you will perish or Perez you will be!! It only works in spanish so its a dud in english but the other ones were funnier.
Well, i hope you all have a great week and dont get into too much trouble without me. I know how you are all trouble makers!!
Love yall,
Elder Ashworth
Sunday, June 21, 2015
A Great Week! June 17 2015
Im tired of starting every email the same way. i dont know about you guys but when things are the same i just get BORED!! So im going to try and change things up a bit today. Try and give it some FLARE!! Because sometimes i feel like i run out of things to write, but im sure there is alot more going on then i tell you guys, but usually i get to writing you guys and i forget everything that happened in the week. But wait, before we go any farther i would just love to send a shout out to my favorite dad on this wonderful Father´s Day Weekend coming up.
¡¡¡¡¡¡HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!!!
I have also decided to change up the color scheme. This last week was a great week. It involved alot of walking and tracting, but thats normal. But in all of that we did find an amazing inactive family. Their names are Luis, Veronica, Pualina, And Anotonia. They arent on the registers that they live in this ward because they moved her a few months ago and have been inactive for 7 years. So we found them knocking doors and its actually the second time we have knocked their door since i have been in this sector. But we got inside and shared a really good first lesson. We got to know who they are and the father voiced that he wants to reactivate himself but he will need support to do it since its been so long since he was active. And they have a daughter that is 10 and is not baptized. SO we are hoping we can help them become an eternal family. The father was very moved because he recounted a story that happened to him recently about how his father in law was deathly ill and they asked him to give him a blessing but since hes been inactive, he didnt feel worthy. So he couldnt do it even though the family specifically asked him. You could tell he felt some remorse for not being active and worthy in the moment. But we told him that we would be here to help along the way and that he will be happy with his family once again in the church. It was an amazing experience.
Then, we were contacting at 9:45 at night and we knocked this door. Out walks a man and he talks to us in the cold air outside of his house. We tell him we are here to share a message with him and his family. He says, "Well, come right in!" And we went inside and talked with him some more and found out his name in Juan. He is a great guy and we got a return date to go and teach him some more. I guess its true when they say God is a God of Miracles. All we have to do is pray for them!
On sunday we had a great ward attendance even though some of the normal members didnt show up because of illness. But we are excited to keep going!! Then today we went to the temple. Once again a great experience! After the temple we went to The Costanera Center Mall. There we ate at a three story Wendy´s. It wasn't cheap but it was really good!!!! Lets just say that Dave did good here in Santiago. It was an amazing Wendy´s. The best i have ever seen. Then we walked the mall a bit and one of the elders bought a jacket. Speaking of clothes, Do i have any clothes to come home to??
Anyways, it was a great week and we are looking forward to another one!!
Love you all and i will send pics the next week,
I promise!!
Elder Ashworth
Saturday, June 13, 2015
¡¡LA COPA AMERICA!! - June 10 2015
Dear family,
So this last week was a little of a bummer. Elder Thompson got sick and we were in the house for three days so i really dont much to talk about. Sorry about that.....hopefully this week will be better.
But today we went to central station and i bought a few recuerdos and we saw a protest in the middle of the street and some security guards had gas masks just in case. There are also tons of things for Chile because the first game of the American Cup starts tomorrow and Chile plays!!
Well thats all i got for today. Sorry its lame.
Love Elder Ashworth
New Comp, Same Life - June 3 2015
Hey Everybody!!
So me and my comp had changes yesterday. Elder Skabelund when to another sector and im now again with Elder Thompson. He is the missionary i trained about a year back. I was his first comp and he is my last comp. Its amazing how the tables turn. But this week was good. We did lots of contacts but our spirits are high and we are ready to roll. We set a baptismal date with Pamela for June 20th. We are helping her to fulfill her desire of being baptized.
Im glad to hear that everything is going great and that everybody is doing good. Keep it up and have a great week. Sorry this email is so short but the computer cut out on me and i forgot everything i was going to write to you guys.
Love yall,
Elder Ashworth
Photo is what we eat for lunch normally. Beans and noodles. I put the rice with it.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
May 27, 2015 - Its COLD Outside!
Dear Family,
This week has just flown by. Especially as we had pday last week on Thursday it flew by really fast because its been less then a week. But we have accomplished a lot this week.
We are looking at changes again. We will be told this Saturday if we have changes. So i guess you will all know next week if i have a new comp or no. But this last week it has been super cold. On monday we got up early to go and do contacts at the bus stops and it was 35 degrees outside. Lets just say that im going to die my first winter in Rexburg. But thats ok. I know how to dress warm. But we have teaching one of our investigators named Pamela. We are teaching about all the lessons again to get her ready for baptism. She is a little confused about a few things and her son doesnt help her. He is less active but is a drug addict and believes that God doesnt love us but wants us to suffer.So we have with him on that too.
As for me i read about Abinadi and the people of Limhi this week in my studies. I learned soooo much from them. I think i found my new favorite passage of the scriptures. The Abinadi chapters are just amazing. He knew his savior and had a strong testimony. If you were presented with the same situation, are you ready to die for your faith? Are you willing to tell the people that they are wrong and wicked and be beaten and burned for what you believe? They are good questions that i think everyone of us should ponder.
Well thats all i have for this week. So i guess i will update you guys next week.
Elder Ashworth
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Another week down
So this week we changed our pday so that my comp can go play volleyball against a club here in santiago. It will be interesting, but he will have a great time.
This last week was good. We walked a ton! But we got some good things out of it. As for something weird or cool that happened to answer dads question. We did see a little girl about 3 years old who was walking down the street a tripped and fell. Her mom, who was right beside her,And the super mom (as my comp called her) yelled at her daughter like this " BEEP; BEEP, Stupid girl!" I think the mom had a bad day. But before you all get your panties in a knot the words she said are normal everyday words here. Then we saw a human velociraptor It was a little boy who was roaring and running in the street with his arms as a dinosaur. Then to top it off, .... actually ill just tell you guys when i get home ;)
But other then that we had interviews with president cook and they went good. We also changed our house around a little bit and its nicer. But i wanted to invite you all to read the Mosiah chapters of Abinadí and think on all of the stuff he teaches. Its all we need to be saved. And its all inside of two to three chapters.
Havea great week.
Elder Ashworth
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Zone Conference - April 29, 2015
Dear Family and Friends,
This last week was my first week in Villa Magisterio but i will start out my answering the emails that you all sent me.
for the volcano that erupted in the south it was far enough away that
we arent seeing anything here in Santiago from it. But i did hear that
there is 5 meters of ashes in the south and that it is supposed to rain.
And when it rains the ashes become a natural cement and will seal
everything underneath it! If it happens it could be interesting. As for
the new comp, things are going great. We get along great and have a
blast during the work. It isnt too different because i can still communicate with him. It just means that i can say english sayings that
dont make sense in spanish. And my health is fine. My stomach healed up
about 2 months ago and I'm eating normal again and its awesome!
everything is going great here in Villa Magisterio. This last week we
have been looking for lots of new people because they divided our
sectors into working zones so now we have a designated area inside of
our sector to work in. And since it has lots of the apartment buildings
not very many missionaries worked there. But we have lots of people who
are willing to listen to us. In fact last night we had two great contact
with two guys that are really interested in our message and they live
inside of our area. So we are super excited to work here.
we also had Zone Conference. It was great as usual. President Cook
talked about the past, present and future of the mission. It was great
to see the progress we have had. Also he focused a lot on the Atonement
and how it makes the whole work go. he shared a video with us called the
Atonement and Missionary Work. It is a great video. If you haven't seen
it you should! Then as usual they talked about obedience and shared a
few stories. it was really good. There is so much i would like to put
in this email but i don't know if i can. If i have a few extra minutes i
might put in the stories. But i hope you all can feel your saviors love
for us. He loves each and every one of you and wants the best for you.
He just wants us to be the best and most obedient that we can be. Dont
be the one that he is waiting on to be obedient but be the one that he
can say, " This is my beloved son/daughter in whom i am well pleased."
If we work for that we will inherit Eternal life and we will be saved through the grace of Christ.
know this to be true because i have felt it, I hope you all can feel
the same way. If you havent yet i urge you to get on your knees and ask
God if it is true and if he exists. It will be the best thing you have
every done!
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
P.S. I have time to share the stories.
first one is about a little child who lived in New York. In New York
they have ice storms that cause major damage. And during one of these
storms a big tree fell over. So the roots were sticking straight up in
the air. Well during the clean up action he decided to play inside of
the hole in the ground from the roots of the tree and his dad started
cutting the tree from the top to the bottom. During the time he was
playing he heard his fathers voice say, "Get out of the hole, right now
and quick!" so he quickly left the hole. Just as he left the tree stood
up and fell back inside of the hole it had made because the weight of
the roots stood it up again. And if the little boy hadnt obeyed he would
have been buried alive. But the interesting thing is that his father
never called to him but the Spirit spoke to him in the voice of his
father so he would obey. Because the spirit knew he would obey his father right away. If we can obey our fathers voice, that of God, just
as this little boy obeyed his fathers voice we can be saved in these
last days. It is what God wants from us.
There were three stone workers working in a construction site. And a man
went up to the first one and asked what he was doing and he replied "I'm
cutting bricks." The man stayed and watched for a little bit longer
then went to the second worker and asked the same thing. The second
worker answered saying, " I'm building a wall." So the man stayed and
watched for a little while longer. Then he went to the third worker and
asked What are doing?. The third worker stood up straight and said "I'm
building a cathedral to my God!"This story shows us that we need to be
like the third worker and see the big picture. We are working to help
god bring to pass the eternal life of man. Not just here to cut bricks or build a wall. Look at the big picture!
TRANFERS!! April 22,2015
Well hello to the Burgians!!
This last week was interesting. It wasnt full of many things but we did go to the temple
with Sister Florentina and her family. She loved it so much. She was
very excited to "win" her recommendation to enter into the temple in
another year to be endowed. She is amazing. Also her son in law liked it
and her grandchildren thought it was paradise. I am very happy that she
has felt the love of god in her life.
Then we
also had changes or i was transferred. I am now in the ward next to los
olmos called Villa Magisterio or in english Village Magestry. I am with
elder Skabelund. He is way over 6 foot and is also from my group in the
MTC. But we are ready to work and make the best out of our time here.
I hope you are all doing well and i will see you all in a few weeks!!
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Ive written so many times i dont even know what to put in this bar now!
Hello! Family and Friends,
Well this last week was a good one. we had two reactivation's and they are both great.
Also we had some good lessons and helped quiet a few people out this week. Well, i know you guys aren't going to believe this but i cant think of anything more to write. I have just received a brain fart and my mind has gone BLANK!!!
Duh........................... .......................
Well a few seconds have passed and i still cant think of anything. Oh wait! I just remembered that changes are this coming week and that We are still pressing onward here in Santiago. Oh, and i saw a billboard for the new Avengers movie and nobody has told me that it was coming out! Shame on you guys! But its ok because i cant see it anyways.
Well have a great week and keep on treckin!!!
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
P.S. this week i got a craving for peach cobbler. So please put it on the list of things i want when i get home, Thanks!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Easter and General Conference
hey family and friends,
This last week was great. I listened to conference and it helped me see what i have to do with my life when i get home ;) i think it has something to do along the lines of MARRIAGE but im not quiet sure. I dont think there were enough talks about it ;) jajaja.
Also it was great to remember about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for me and for all the human race. Like Elder Holland said, Do you think he is just going to leave us to fall eternally? No! He provided a way so that we can be helped up. I know this to be true. I have seen it and i can never forget it. I love this gospel and the opportunity i have to be here in Chile preaching it to the great people here. I have come to know the love of god and how to love people just like god does.
I hope you guys had a great weekend and received answers to your questions just like i did this conference weekend.
Love you all, and have a great week!!
Elder Ashworth
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Semana Santa - April 1, 2015
Hey family and friends,
This last week was
great. For the weekend we had to stay inside because it was El Dia de
Joven Combatiente. Its easier if you guys just look it up. But we made
cookies and talked and cleaned. It was a great relaxation day.
i cant remember if i told you guys, but last week we had a special presentation about safety. We all danced and did CPR to the beat of
Stayin Alive. It was awesome. Also on Sunday,
Thomas, a youth that we reactivated, passed the sacrament for the first
time. Him mom was very proud of him and t was great to feel her
gratitude to the Lord because of her son.
to top it off we had a lesson with Pres. Cook. He came with us to visit a
less active. We talked about how he is needed because he was a great
leader but now doesn't go to church. But we are working with him. The
lessons with Pres. are great.
Well i hope you all have a great week.
Love you all!!
Elder Ashworth
BAPTISM!! - March 25, 2015
Hey family and friends,
last week was great. We had a great time and the Baptism of Florentina
was awesome. She was baptized and so was Francisco, an investigator of
the other missionaries. It was a great experience. They both have strong
testimonies and are ready to fight to the finish! It was awesome to
feel the spirit there and see the smiles on their faces.
also had ward activity. We set it up and we played MINUTE TO WIN IT. It
was awesome, everybody had a blast playing cookie face and junk in the
trunk. It was a blast. We just hope that the next activity can be just
as great.
Not much to tell this week but i hope you all have a great week!!Monday, March 23, 2015
Baptism Week! - March 18th 2015
Hey family and friends,
This last week was a great
one. We worked hard and have been working with a few investigators and
less actives. But this Saturday Florentina is getting BAPTIZED!!! Its awesome. Last week, she just flat out dropped smoking and passed her
interview the other day so we will be having a double baptism because
the other elders in our ward have a a baptism too. We have been seeing
a lot of progress these last few weeks. We went from 40 people in
sacrament meeting to 80. Its awesome. It also means that vacations have
ended and that everybody is in town working. But we are seeing the work
moving along.
We have another investigator
named Victor that is progressing. we are hoping to see him get baptized
too. Its so cool to see a baptism of someone that has changed soo much.
The gospel is miraculous. It can make changes in people that one would never see without it. And the joy that people have when they get to
know the truth is awesome.
As for us we are
having a great time. So that you aren't worried about me mom, I dont need
anything. I believe that everything that i have will last until the end
of the mission. And as for the mission tour, i have no idea what it is
because they ever told us and then it disappeared too.
this week i was reading 1 Nephi and found that it talks about the
restoration of the gospel and the Book of Mormon and lots of things
that are going to pass in the last days. It was really neat to read. I
hope you are all reading in the scriptures daily.
for all the support you guys give me. And i will have to send the pic
another day because i dont the computer im on. I put a pen drive in it
and it deleted everything i had there. So no pics this week!
Love you all and have a great wee.!!
Elder Ashworth
Monday, March 16, 2015
18 Months
Dear Family and Friends,
This morning i woke up to a hot sun and clear skies. And realized that 18 months ago i arrived in Chile. It was a cloudy day with a little bit of fog or rain in the air. It was way better for walking around then the heat of the summer. But Today has been a great day. We went and bought our food in a Feria, which is basically a outdoor open air market. Or farmers market but a lot bigger. They put them up in the streets and the prices are cheaper then in the stores.
This last week has also been great. We are working really hard with Florentina. We are trying to help her drop the last cigarret so she can be baptized because she really wants to be baptized. Also we are working a few other less actives and investigators that are progressing. We had a great lesson with Victor about the BOok of MOrmon and he expressed that he wants to do whta the Lord wants him to do. So we are excited for him too.
And this last week i found a scipture during my studies that i thought was really good and i really like it. It gives me hope for the good thiongs. It is found in Alma 58:10-13. We hope for our freedom!
I hope you all have a great week!
Love yall,
Elder Ashworth
Friday, March 6, 2015
A great week
Dear Family and Friends,
This week was amazing. It had its ups and downs.
We had to stop teaching Alex, an amazing investigator, because we found out he doesn't live in our sector. So we cant teach him. That was a bummer. But we also got a new investigator. His name is Victor. We contacted him about two weeks ago. His dad didn't want anything but he was interested. So we took his number and he told us to call him two weeks later because he was leaving on vacations. So this last we called him and set an appointment. We had to do it in the church because his dad isn't very friendly. But we went on a tour and he had lots of questions about the baptismal font. And during our lesson he understood and asked some great questions. At the end of the lesson we invited him to be baptized. He said that if God answers his prayers and says that this gospel is true, he will be baptized because he wants to follow the Lord. It was am amazing experience.
Also we got to help up root a tree on saturday for service. it was great to work with my hands again in such a long time. The only bad part is that i left with about 3 blisters and 5-8 soft spots on my hands. But they have all left.
Sorry this email is short but i sent off a letter too and it contains more information.
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Ending February
Dear Family and Friends,
Well we are now coming to the end of another wonderful month full of heat and sun. It was a great week adn it ended in the temple. we just got out of another great session and are ready to take on another week.
This last week we found some new less actives to visit and our investigators Alex and Florentina are excited to become part of Christs Church.
I'm feeling better so that all of you guys know and im enjoying the weather now. Its starting to coll off in the mornings and afternoons. I just keep learning new things and growing even more. Its amazing what one learns on a mission. I can honestly say that it was and is the best decision that i have ever made. Im enjoying every minute of it. Last night we sat and shared experiences and helped me see that we pass for good and bad times. But everything that happens is for our good so we can learn and grow.
Hope you all have a great week. And remember, "The greater the battle, The greater the triumph" - Mr. Mendez
Love you all,
Elder Ashworth
P.S. Nice pics Preston!!!
Another week down - Feb 18, 2015
Dear Family and Friends,
First off i will answer the questions that dad sent me.
1) Things are going with the new comp. He is super funny and get along really well. We are bother working for the same things.
2) The investigatores that we are working are progressing. They are overcoming their obstacles and are on their way to the gates of baptism.
3) you could pray for Florentina, Fam. Jara, Maria and Victor, Alex, and Miguel and Nadia. Thanks.
This last week was great. We went to the doctors office twice and i got a sonogram. They looked at my stomach like they do for pregnant women to see if my artery in my back was expanded. It was a blast but we found out that i only have an ulcer and that other then that im healthy.
We also had interview with president Cook. He is a great president that always helps us to be better. Im enjoying out here in santiago. So much to learn and do.
Today we relaxed and got haircuts because my hair super long. It was like 3 inches long on top, but still didnt look bad. We had some great leesons and helped Forentina fell secure about getting baptized!! So now we just have to finish up the lessons.
Here are some pics. The one of the four missionaries is like a month old but the other was taken last night. Hes my great peruano comp. Well havea great week.
Love ya'll,
Elder Ashworth
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